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When you lose your voice

Pippa Botha

Melody - Pippa Botha

Today's story is about a little red haired girl who lost her voice.

Katelyn is our youngest child and has many talents but, as a little girl, she couldn’t sing in tune. She loved to sing and did so with enthusiasm but all her songs were sung in monotone. It didn’t take her brothers long to pick up on her inability and to start teasing her. With the teasing came awareness. To avoid shame, she decided to stop singing. In church or school, when she was part of collective singing, she mouthed the words but no sound escaped her lips.

Through the years, she learnt to laugh at herself and she and I often shared a giggle when I caught her eye and saw the little mouth moving and knew it was a silent song.

When she was about eight years old, a teacher told us to sing into Katelyn’s ear. She said that the exercise would help her to distinguish notes. It worked but Katelyn had lost confidence and her song remained still.

I was delighted to hear that Katelyn has started singing at church. Very hesitant at first, but the song of her heart and her lips have escaped in melody from her mouth. Praise the Lord!

Sometimes we lose our voice in the stumblings of life. When it happens, position yourself between people who sing the song of the Lamb. The melody in your ears will help you to distinguish truth again and will lift and reignite your soul.

Your purpose and calling is to sing the song of the Lamb. Wherever you are and whatever you are doing, do it to the glory of God. Where your song is heard, it brings melody to the monotone of this life. You don’t need to convince your hearers of the truth and beauty of the song. You just need to sing from your heart. The Author and Finisher of our faith, Jesus the Christ, touches and changes lives. You and I just sing!

So sing dearest beloved. Find your voice and sing!

Lift up your heads

To the coming King

Bow before Him and adore Him sing!

To His majesty let your praises be

Pure and holy giving glory

To the King of kings.

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